Tuesday 11 September 2012


is born! Agency of Imagination is a  collaborative space for gentle revolutions. Initiated by the artists and fabulists Penny Skerrett and Eva Bakkeslett. To follow the developments: http://agencyofimagination.org

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Cartographies Of Hope: Change Narratives


We all share eachothers BREATH

Can bacteria teach us about sustainable living?
Join a collaborative exploration of the process of fermentation as social imagination. 

Breadmaking and mindfulness

Creative Breadmaking day at the wonderful Fintry Trust in Brook (nr Godalming, Surrey) 
on the 18th of October. Awaken your senses and come to enjoy the amazing wonders of breadmaking. And while the dough rises, watch my films about bread and share stories, experiences and recipes.
A day of nourishment for both body and soul!

Summercamp in Skodje (Norway)

A wonderful week with 15 kids, the colors of nature and the four elements in the woods and wilderness in Skodje (nr Ålesund), Norway 30 July - 3rd of August.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Poetry of Breadmaking

Workshop at Transition Sagene in Oslo, 11th of June.

Kvenkakebakeverksted, Tørrfoss Gård 10. juni 2012

Workshop revitalising the baking of the traditional Kvenkake (ryebread sourdough) that used to be baked by the Kvens (indigenous people) that came to Nordreisa in North Norway from Tornevalley in Finland.


Workshop at Storslett Skole in Nordreisa, North Norway. Amazing class with engaged and enthusiastic pupils.


On the 5th of June we launched our book "Kilmatilpasninger - hva betyr det for meg?" (Climate adaptations - how am I implicit?) with the PLAN-project from the University of Oslo at Litteraturhuset in Oslo.

Thursday 17 May 2012


Festival artist at Paaskiviiko, a Kven festival in Nordreisa, North Norway on 7-10th of June.
In search of the sourdough baking traditions and baking stories and showing my baking films: Alchemy, Aish and The Magic Tablecloth.

Thursday 19 April 2012


This mindmap was made by 10 participants during the last 10 minutes of a workshop I held on imagining ecological cultures. I modeled the thinking around probiotic (living) cultures rather than the antibiotic (destructive) ones inspired by my beloved home made yogurt originating from Romania or thereabouts 100+ years ago via New York and Arctic Norway to England. A truly living, organic, self organising culture and structure for sustainable communities.


Pikene på Broen have Dared to share in Murmansk during Nordic Days 2012.
"The Magic Tablecloth" showing 18th - 26th of April!

Sunday 15 April 2012


Endelig! Jeg har fått etårig arbeidsstipend fra Bildende Kunstnernes Hjelpefond. Det er første gangen jeg får arbeidsstipend etter 20 år som kunstner og jeg var nær ved å gi opp.  Endelig kan jeg fordype meg i den delen av mitt kunstnerskap som jeg ellers må legge på hylla av mangel på tid og penger. Og jeg skal gjøre ferdig filmen min BREATH som jeg har jobbet med i mellomrommene de siste 4 årene. Hurraaa!

Saturday 14 April 2012


Participating in a panel at the conference Ecocultures 2012, 17-18th April, together with Oleg Koefoed, Natalia Eernstman, Karen Blincoe and Lucy Neal. We will explore futures thinking, artistic practice and imagination in relation to learning for sustainability. We will address questions such as: Do we have to plan from or for the future? How we foster futures thinking? How can art facilitate or catalyze this process? How can we stimulate the envisioning of different and positive futures in communities? And how do we proceed from the mere imagined visions and ‘good’ intentions to actual realization and steps in the right direction?

Monday 19 March 2012

Nurturing Nature

Nurturing Nature
March 20 – April 15, Freedman Gallery
Based on an exhibition held at the Osilas Gallery, Concordia College, N.Y., last spring, the artists included use the natural environment as both subject and material in their exploration of the creative process. Sustainability, endangered species, and the beauty, utility, and diversity of nature are all themes explored in the works presented. Curated by Patricia Miranda and Amy Lipton.

I participate with fthe film  Alchemy - the poetics of bread.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Bread as Poetry

In Vadsø Museum on the 9th of January 2012, in the very North of Norway, to give a talk about bread and showing my film Alchemy - the poetics of bread. The bread traditions in this particular area are based on sourdough made from rye flour and originates from Finland.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

The Magic Tablecloth

After one intensive week of filming in Nikel, Northern Russia, and another week of editing day and night my new film The Magic Tablecloth is now ready to be screened at the Barents Spektakel in Kirkenes! It has been a magical journey thanks to the wonderful work of the curatorial team at Pikene på Broen and the wonderful collaboration with Nelly Makeeva and her grandson Gleb and my eminent cameraman and editor Clive Ardagh. A truly joint effort!